
Family grave monument from boulder, glass and granite

This unique family monument is an excellent example of the harmonious interaction of the three materials glass, granite and stone.

A strong, loving family is a person's greatest blessing. The parental love felt at the beginning of life encourages children to go out into the world fearlessly - to play with it, to test it, to express themselves and to create. Family love is a force that permeates more than one generation. This power is passed from parents to offspring and also permeates relationships between siblings.

The monument is a tribute to the Ikaunieki family. The beloved brother's rock tombstone stood alone for almost fifty years. When both parents left him behind, he felt the desire to hug and hold his little brother and thus maintain the great, protective family love. The brother's boulder has been freed from the traces of time and gently enclosed between two shiny glass elements. Never let go, the memory of these lovely people will be cherished forever. Every moment it will be delicately felt and fill the lives of all loved ones, like the most beautiful scent of flowers.

Technique: Diagonally layered glass
Glass type: Clear glass
  • The price is given for the base configuration of the glass monument, without granite elements (unless specified otherwise below). The price is calculated as a net price (excluding statutory sales tax). About prices
  • You can find out more about the ordering, payment, delivery and installation of glass monuments here: Ordering, payment, delivery and installation
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5.91 15cm/5.91in
Price from: 3825

Horizontally layered glass. Straight cut front and sides. The back - slightly wavy. Up to 15 cm/5.91in at the thickest point.

Price from: 3770

Vertical layered glass. Straight cut front and rear side. Top - slightly wavy.  Up to 15 cm/3.94in at the thickest point.

Price from: 6847

Horizontal layered glass. Slightly curved form with up to 15 cm/3.91in at the thickest point.

Price from: 5655

Vertical layered glass. Two sides slightly curved, one straight cut. Up to 15 cm/5.91in at the thickest point.

Price from: 11147

Horizontal layered glass. Medium complexity sculpture. 

*The cost calculator is for informative purposes only!
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